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The Weekend

Updated: Jun 2

The team was able to slow down this weekend (5/25 and 5/26), spending the Saturday at a safari. We ate dinner, fished, had coffee, and generally enjoyed the nature of Zambia. On Sunday, the team spent the morning at church, where we were kindly welcomed. Afterwards, we spent some time in the markets, and rounded out the weekend with team bonding back at the hotel. Throughout the time, we were able to grab casual meals at restaurants, and interact with more Zambian culture, which we all thoroughly enjoyed. Here are some photos from this weekend.

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Consider praying

The biggest way to support the team is through prayer. We appreciate prayer as we travel to Zambia to work with handpumps and further God's kingdom. Consider safety, health, productivity, wisdom, and decision making throughout our time. Thank you in advance! 

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